Simple Ways To Buy And Invest In Bitcoin
What's Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer, decentralized digital currency system that allows online users to transact via digital units of exchange called Bitcoins. It is also a virtual currency. An undisclosed programmer Best Cryptocurrency to invest in 2021 created the Bitcoin system in 2009. Bitcoin, which is an alternative to the US dollar, Euros, and other commodity currencies like gold and silver, has attracted a lot of attention and controversy. Popularity Rises Before 2009, Bitcoin was not well-known in finance and business. It gained prominence during the 2011-2012 period, when it gained more than 300%. Since August last year, Bitcoin has seen a 400% increase in its value. Venture capital firms around the globe continue to place importance on the cryptocurrency. Venture capital firms invested $57million in Bitcoin during the first half 2014. Another $73million was added in the second quarter. This total amounts to...